Chapter 25: Aftermath
Chapter 25: Aftermath
The room we were shuffled into was near the entrance closest to the stables. Although the room was furnished, the fact that this room did not often house any of the royal family was blatantly obvious. Simple chairs and a small, but well kept fireplace drew my attention since little else occupied the space.
The queen led the way into the space as the king was still issuing orders from the doorway. My family took up two of the chairs, with each of my parents holding a sibling. Queen Valerie took the seat next my mother, trying to help sooth everyone in the situation
Balor, who to his credit had not left Gavin's side since they both got down from the carriage, sat next to his still bleeding clansman in the corner closest to the door. Hopefully the doctor would arrive quickly. The plump man seemed to be shielding my siblings from the sight of Gavin's injury. Although I'm sure Balor's motives somehow were rooted in pride, I was grateful for him. No matter his intentions, he was at least doing one decent thing.
Alina followed me as I crossed the room to my family. Liliana sat up straighter in my dad's lap. Her face was red from being pushed tight against my father. I wondered if he had been holding her since the moment he knew something was amiss on the parade route.
Abrin had settled into my mother's arms and nestled his head on her shoulder. The panicked sobs I had heard near the carriages had slowed. His breathing slowly leveled out into a steady pattern with the occasional large sniffle.
"I don't understand. Why were people screaming? What made the parade stop? Are we safe?" Liliana looked from my dad to me. Surely one of us had an answer.
I realized that when I left my family's carriage this morning, Liliana was perfectly positioned to see none of the action that unfolded before her. She faced backward, unable to really see Gavin's shoulder get struck and was on the opposite side of the carriage from the enemy archer. At least she didn't get to see the horror.
Abrin had been on my mother's lap facing forward. I hoped he had only seen Balor's hat disappear from his head. That is, if he had seen anything at all.
"Someone tried to hurt the royal family, but they are all okay. We are safe, sweetheart. Daddy will protect you. " My father's gentle words mollified my curious sister.
"Jack, if people are going to try to hurt you, I don't want you to be a prince!" Liliana soured her expression.
"I will be okay, sweet sister. The Swordsmen are brave and protect the royal family. See Princess Alina is safe." I weakly smiled at my fiancee, hoping for reinforcements.
"Of course they keep me safe! They will keep you safe too!" Alina reached up to take my sister's hand to comfort her before realizing Gavin's blood still stained her palm and fingertips. She quickly pulled her hand into the folds of her skirt, hoping my sister did not notice.
Liliana seemed to be unaware of the action as she snuggled back into my father's chest. He held her tight.
"I will come back and see you in a moment, dear sister." Alina excused herself and walked over to the corner where I had not noticed a small looking glass mounted on the wall above a table. Atop the table sat a pitcher of water, a bowl and some towels.
I looked back toward my father and Liliana. My sister had curled up in our father's lap. Her fingers danced along to buttons of his coat, finding entertainment in the most mundane things. I wish I could be that innocent.
My father caught my eye. He slit his eyes in Alina's direction motioning me her way. "Everyone is taken care of over here." His tone, while commanding, kept the gentleness he had used with my sister.
I took the hint and followed Alina to the corner. My father implied she needed me. Her physical well being was intact, but I wonder how she was feeling?
As I got closer, I saw Alina looking down at her hands. One was relatively clean. The other was far from it. Her back faced the rest of the room. As I turned to face her I noticed that the bodice of her gown had not fully escaped the blood that had pooled around my coat while she was pressed close to Gavin on the carriage floor. Her maroon dress hid the stain well.
"Would you like some help?" I picked up a cloth and the pitcher. I poured some of the water to dampen the cloth. She would not meet my eyes as I cleaned her hand.
"Alina, are you okay?" My voice was barely above a whisper. I did not want to draw attention to her.
She filled her lungs with a deep breath. "Yes. I just need a moment." Her lips pursed as if contemplating something. "Luckily, this time I can have a moment, Jack. Being part of my family means that your life is for the people. In a moment, I will put on a strong facade and continue on. This life is not about me, but about Ensis. Do you think you can handle this?" She only wavered in the last sentence.
"I'm sure with you as my leader, I can learn anything." My gut reaction flowed from my lips, but I was sure that those words would stick in my mind for time to come. "But remember, you have me now too. I'm behind the curtain of your play for the masses." She was not alone.
"Thank you, Jack." She turned her hands from front to back, both fully clean. "Let's go check on Gavin"
At some point the doctor had arrived and started examining Gavin. While we were crossing to the corner where the clansmen of falcon nested, we heard the doctor excuse himself to prepare his infirmary for surgery. He informed the pair that he would be back momentarily to transport Gavin.
Balor had his back to us. "Told you that we should have worn our armor instead of these ridiculous servant garbs", the pudgy man spat out, with us unknowingly in earshot. The momentary warmth I felt for the man evaporated.
"All the better to know how much danger our other countrymen are in who do not have the luxury of armor" Gavin said before spotting the two of us. Before he could announce our presence, his chubby counterpart opened his mouth again.
"Who cares? They're servants" Sir Pudgy's vile speech rang out.
Alina's face flushed in anger. "I care!"
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