Reincarnated as a Duck: A beast progression litrpg isekai

Chapter 11: Single choice

Evolutions held options for the close and far future. They branched out from this start to the height of his species. It could be irregular or close. It was up to the unlocked prerequisites and Bloodlines. Rain said nothing else.

Murai had no options. One was required; the other would be tossed to the Void. He liked the scent of adventure, so whatever was below that mist was interesting. It wasn't the heat, nor the steam alone. Some seismic activity should have caused this place to exist, or something very different and special.

The cave went deep like a crevice. Is this mountain an actual volcano? That would explain this heat and steam coming from some natural springs coming from below. Is there a river? Another thing could be that lake I've seen, but I am unsure how deep I am, or how far I am from that lake. But my ears are working. There is a splashing of water and it is hot. Steaming hotness or other elements could cause this.

It was no longer about guessing; Murai was stone certain about it.

It was somewhat refreshing standing so close to the source of heat and this moistness, but that was about it. He couldn't stay here forever, so with these thoughts, he did what he had to.

The bones he had prepared should be enough for his decision should improve and transform his flesh, giving him powers, and opportunity. He could imagine a lofty duck with immense power, striking the foes and Gods alike, smacking them aside with wings and a mighty beak.

It was a laughable idea, but for once, he was fooling himself because he had time to waste. He remembered more ridiculous lives than this one. It was about power but also lives. Bodies were half of that. Part was the setting. Rest was about his soul and how he lived.

Perhaps not touching the Gods or those above sounded like a good idea, but Murai had his principles.

Perhaps his mind was weak since he spent many days in dull silence and blissful eating. His vision and perception of a lot of things turned numb. it was about to change, he hoped.

Stepping down from this platform was easy. Experience with falling provided him good, so Murai jumped with no care for his life. From stone to stone, and without a thud, he fell to the ground after bouncing around like a fluffy ball.

“Well,” he looked at the misty ceiling, his back facing the ground. “That worked somehow. I suppose it's time.”

Murai got to his feet, unhurt. He held his determination to do his evolution, so he moved toward the bones.

Sitting before the big pile of them, he waited and waited. He couldn't reach evolution on his own, since the time limiter wasn't the case of how much time he had for choosing the path. It was a timer until the start of evolution, so he waited until the Will of the Battleworld descended upon his soul.

As he expected, it was much stronger intent, voice, and power that pushed to his soul. Feeling the distinct pressuring power enveloping his mind, he endured it without problems.

[Major Step is underway!] a crisp mechanic voice shouted, sounding powerful and menacing. It almost sounded muscular.

[It is an evolution that shall be forthcoming!]

[Dear Citizen, you have endured the reading, so you must be ready. The first step towards the sub-species is an opportunity of your Bloodline choice. Your beginning towards your body is before you]

[You have reached the successful threshold with your challenging attitude and—thanks to the Bloodline of the Anatidae behind you—you have special choices to decide]

[Anatidae Panacea: A powerful member of the Anatidae sub-species. It can use soul-power and magic and has well-rounded possibilities of survival and offensive Abilities]

[Overall: It is a mighty evolution that takes no unprecedented difficulties to follow]

[Class D]

[Then, we have something very special indeed]

[Anatidae of the Death: A Soul Servant of the Depths. A Pact with the God of Death allowed the descendant of the Death to follow the path of Necromancy and some mutations surrounding ancient times. Soul magic is a powerful tool of this species, allowing a vast variable of powers to occur. This sub-species was significantly improved by the order of one particular Anatidae which is under the influence of the God of Death and... surprisingly, it is in your Bloodline. An ancestor]

[Overall: A special evolution with special abilities with unknown might depending on background, Bloodline, and talent of the individual]

[Class C]

[Lastly, we have the king of the body!]

[Anatidae Peniscula: A fighter like any other demonic beast. The body is very important, and so is the soul. Magic is diminished in this sub-species but its power lies in other heights. It has a higher aptitude for Body Statuses and the body itself has a significantly higher ceiling of power. Special powerful body abilities are thus a main power of this sub-species]

[Overall: A majestic species of Anatidae species and their might can rule over others' demons]

[Class D]

A single choice. No refusal. Murai got that idea, so he pondered over them. Considering all the facts and knowledge he knew about power and himself, he had a hunch of his choice.

Panacea sounded well-rounded and much to his liking. Having some form of magic seemed like an interesting idea, but he didn't know what magic it mentioned. He didn't know what kind of magic this world had, so it made him hesitant.

The other choices sounded intriguing as well. Especially the Anatidae of the Death had an interesting name, albeit with a questionable premise.

“Having a pact with the God of Death seems like a hilarious way to act as a duck. Maybe that would be interesting... or a hilarious concept, ” Murai laughed but it didn't last for long. “Though, what about physicality? The body of a flesh is a temple, or so something along those lines. Evolution sounds like fleshly change, but that isn't right. Powerful Bloodlines follow it all. Evolution is far too close to the Paths. What has this world created? Could this duck have a main source of power in its body?” He asked himself out loud.

It was an unwilling effect that he had no control over. And much to his surprise, something answered back, whispering to his ears in an unlikely manner.

[An Anatidae Panacea has a major magical power thanks to the deep roots of magical demonic beasts. Its roots are tens of thousands of years old and many kinds of evolutions are available for the start or subsequent locked subjects. Yours is just the beginning. A time, choice, and chance when your fledgling self is yet to undertake a lot of what the Battleworld has to offer]

“Huh?” Murai quacked in confusion.

[An Anatidae Peniscula is a follower of the body, a variable that stems from the powerful physicality, strength, and Bloodline of its predecessor that shred the sense of ducks and beasts alike. The body is the life essence of a being, and unlike the soul, it's one thing that can be changed according to the effects of various evolutions]

[The body of your species has major effects and unique characteristics that stem from hundreds of Anatidae evolutions. Thus, the Anatidae Penniscula can have most physical changes out of various types of evolutions and their branches. The physical realms are the primary source of power to this sub-species]

[Like with the rest of the starting choices, each has its uniqueness]

A rather deep and old-sounding voice echoed in Murai's soul. It answered Murai's questions, leading to his confusion since it didn't seem like a Will of the Battleworld, but also something that felt not much different.

“Who the fuck are you? Some residual Will of something? Why are... Where are you?” Murai shot his Will to his soul space, looking around with his Soul Body for the source of this voice. It spoke from within him, like an annoying voice.

Soul Body was a soul. An entity that was eternal unless destroyed. It was a round object, resembling a duck that looked around like a ghost.

[Not quite that, dear Citizen. I am a part of the World's Will. acting as an overseer of the evolutions for the sake of the God of Battle and Will of this World]

“So a part of the world and the rules? Is it true you are a part of my being like Rain said?” Murai asked doubtfully.


“Why do you speak right now?”

[For the sake of evolution and choices. As with all evolutions, they have to come naturally, and the World shall be the witness to that choice, giving you a blessing. It is natural for the Blessed to take this case dutifully and at a higher capacity. Hence, it goes outside of the Will of the Battleworld]

Murai fell silent, speechless by the willingness of this "thing". It didn't feel like a soul, but it sure did come from deep within him, unlike the Will of the Battleworld that traveled from everywhere and hit him like a hammer to his soul. This one was gentle. Nowhere to be seen.

Murai didn't feel a thing around him, making him unhappy that something was there, yet he didn't know where.

As if understanding his worries, this voice explained it further. [There is no need for worries, dear Citizen. The fact of my presence is the fact that you are part of this world. The Will of the Battleworld shall also be a major witness to your cause, giving you its interpretation of the evolution and its things]

[Its massive machinations are subject to a round of power. Like a blessing, it shall give you what you deserve in this life and this planet]

“So, being a part is only a part, so can I leave this world?”

[Indeed. Would you be able to achieve what many did in a myriad of millennia?] the voice told/ [It is a rhetorical question, dear Citizen. It depends on your path and future. Not everyone can bear the sight and weight of power. Can you achieve it? Bend it to your Will?]

“That's... perfect,” Murai swore to figure out more, but he gave up, gathering that this voice was just voice. “Since you are here, what are you here for? This evolution alone? To talk? Explain stuff that I can't perceive, or is it to seek my chance and move some things behind the scenes? Towards this God of Battle, perhaps?” Murai asked a good question.

[Clever words, dear Citizen. I am here to provide knowledge that may be needed in some limited or much-needed capacity. I am just a small helper and not a Life Companion that the World will give you soon enough. My experience lay solely for the sake of evolution, and following explanations that the Citizens need to know. A high stake and an important decision like evolution sometimes lack meaning and knowledge. Some sub-species may be ancient and unique. Hard to conceive in words and history alone. They needed due explanations, and where would it be—or from who—besides the ones that grant them?]

“You think this is a game?” Murai demanded a question.

[Certanly so. It is fun. Some beings may be even mutants, fusions of a couple of Bloodlines to dozens, or have some dualities and weird aspects and characteristics that make them unique. There are too many variables at hand, created by the power of the evolutions that this world created. Reasonings and explanations are expected, Citizen]

“So nothing much is there for me or you,” Murai said in disappointment. “Noted. Alright. So, the "little helper" that you are, what is with the evolution that you can help me with? Talk.”

[Information is all I can provide for your liking, and that is for the start, that is. In the matter of truth and hope, your choice is yours and no one will force it on you] the voice said, not talking more than it should.

Freaking Gods. What have they created? Is this real? This situation already forced me with this 1-day limiter and now this? So much for this world's shame, Murai complained inside, pointing his inner fury at figures that were behind this world. This voice might be too what struck him right after he regained his consciousness in this world. That worm in his soul. That annoyance went against his principles.

It sounded like it could speak a lot, but unless it waned, it didn't talk all that much for some reason. And it was inside of him for a long time, observing him without his awareness. Murai knew this sort of soul manipulation must be ridiculous, or the origin of this voice was beyond his soul.

Far above, there were confusing and incredible things out there beyond the Sky. He had seen them before.

Was it here for the sake of evolution alone? That sounded like an easy excuse.

Gods or... others. I knew it wouldn't be so far to meet your little problems and lofty chins. I swear I will smack some of them in this life too. I swear to myself and no Gods! Murai thought to himself and decided on a couple of things.

For now, he didn't care for this world, nor should he. It wouldn't give him something earthshaking; his choice was more or less finite.

Apart from the blessings from Will of the Battleworld, Murai didn't trust the rest of it. This voice? It was here for some nefarious plot. It awakened as soon as the timer ended, so Murai doubted it was that simple.

What was the difference between this old voice and Will of the Battleworld?

What was the Will and soul?

One was the origin of a person; the other was a substantial substance that made it up. Souls held their differences in their fundamental forms, thus one might be stronger than the other. Will was the presence of oneself. An authority, or Intent, in some sense of historical records.

What were those voices? Had God of Battle more helpers, or did this planet in itself have the Will, meaning its soul would be all-encompassing?

Those were big, rough ideas Murai had, so they were nothing good for him to consider.

Having something foreign in his soul was enough of a pain and fury. He couldn't be calm about it. It was part of his self-inflicted rules, stemming from the course of his cursed lives.

He wanted freedom at least in some capacity, away from the concept of a higher power and never be restrained by others. Any kind of individual or organization to do so should fuck off and leave his soul alone.

It was a basic rule of mental freedom, but he made it quite difficult. For the most part, he hated the fact that his soul was invaded at the start of this life without him bearing any defenses.

That was many days ago.

Remembering that feeling—or the cause of that invasive power—Murai needed to ask more about his choices, hoping to get at least something in return from this foreign voice. Clarity was one of the few things this voice was willing to talk about. Or it was made this way, acting within its rules. Could it be a construct? A thing that someone crafted out of some soul-based power?

Murai was inclined this was an old fool who knew only a few special brackets of information without revealing too much.

Knowledge was important. A while into this conversation, he was already determined.

Murai wasn't afraid of either choice, but it did change when this voice informed him of the strengths and weaknesses of each evolution.

I am glad I didn't choose Death without thinking. A bond directly related by a God!? Overseen by one, fiddled with touch and connection? Screw that. I am not afraid of the Death Pathway, but everything has some limits. I won't take that one, Murai decided.

As for the rest, they are all powerful on their own accord, but it does seem that one of them is truly man-made for me. What a rollercoaster. And here I thought this was complicated.

Everything was subject to end one way or another.

At the end of his research and thinking over the answers the voice told him, Murai voiced his choice.

“Anatidae Panacea,” He told, and the voice confirmed his decision with a strong force of the Will of the Battleworld.

Both of these forces worked in tandem, shaking Murai's soul for a couple of moments. All kinds of information arose in his mind until WIll of the Battleworld spoke with its mechanical voice once again.

[Major Step has been chosen, dear Citizen. We are glad]

[You've been a piece of work according to the choice, brackets, and Bloodlines of Anatidaes. A new dawn of Panacea shall come to their roster]

[Evolution will start shortly, while the additional information shall come after the full initiation, changes, and physical transformation of the inner parts of Panacea. It will follow a special Boost and Bloodline Blessing from the World]

[Requirements are there for this reason. If you are a failure of the body and soul, your choice won't stabilize and your life will end]

[Too bad if you aren't thinking you are ready]



The voice grew weaker, the pressure of the noise inside Murai's head increased, and the world turned to a standstill. He sat on the ground before the bones, uncertain how evolution started.

To his utter shock, he felt something deep within... move. A primal power and visible wave descended upon him from the ground, shrouding him like a cocoon. It wasn't natural, or was it? The source of this incoming pressure was more than physical and mental. It felt as if he was grasped yet gently squeezed from inside out and outwards.

It was an encompassing pressure that he couldn't perceive, but he began to feel something familiar. It was far from being torture.

Back in reality, Murai found a hint of a bright motion. A wave. Energy. The pressure he felt around him changed his body perception until something clicked and exploded.

“Mana? This world is under the primal River of Manaflow!? How come I hadn't noticed it before?” Murai cried out after the tension of this significant discovery crashed his soul and feelings.

Evolution was starting, but he discovered something immense.

Something worth more than the evolution or a duck.

Something that he knew far too well. He couldn't wait.

The pressure rose and overturned his mind.

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