Chapter Name issues and minor things
Chapter Name issues and minor things
Some/most of u may have noticed that sometimes names get changed a little .. their spellings are off or things like that. sorry about that.
Cas/Kaz/Kas is Cass
Togu is Togo
Vino/Celeste is Vino Celeste
Koslyn/Coslyn/Koslin is Coslin
Fia/Sophia is Sophia
Aaron Andeva/Andewa is MC's alias
Hendo/Hando is Hand Dong
Cellonia/Kelonia is Kellonia (the head witch)
Crow/Raven is supposed to be Raven
similarly Crow Prophet/Raven prophet is Raven Prophet also known as Mr. Black and White
Abe/Abel is Abel.
Wendy/Wenli/Wen Li is Wendy.
Dempsay/dempsey is Dempsey
Mowglani/Moglani/Mogwlani is the same Mowglani
Kemon/Kemun is Kemun
Behemoth/Beamon/Bemun Knights are Behemoth Knights
Pennywise/pennyhuis/pennyweiss is Penny Weiss
Clown is Joker
some of the names get reversed occasionally .. though i try to fix it as much as possible, its bcz in chinese surnames are first then the given name, hence the issue.
all names r given by author, even if they sometimes sound super weird.
military titles that are used, im not familiar with them and when translating them, most of them keep getting translated differently, so sorry about that. i try to keep them uniform but i dont even realise if they r used differently earlier so sorry about that.
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