Chapter 224: You Can Have That Spot
Alex, still a bit weakened from the blood loss the previous day, sleeps peacefully. He regains consciousness as he feels movement on top of his head. Something cold and smooth with pointed tips moves across his scalp, but it feels like a comfortable head massage and doesn’t cause him any pain.
He opens his eyes and slowly gets up. Without thinking much, he moves to the small mirror in his room, planning to brush his teeth and wash up.
As Alex sees himself in the mirror, he notices Jewel comfortably sitting on his head, instantly reminding him of last night.
Oh, good morning. I nearly forgot all about you. Are you feeling good?
Good! Hungry!
So everything’s fine, but you’re hungry? Let’s get ready and head downstairs. I’ll introduce you to my friends, and we can eat together.
They’re my comrades… really important to me! You’ll see.
Jewel friend too?
Damn, you’re getting smarter by the second, already moving from simple emotions to words and now questions? Of course, you’re also my friend. In fact, you’re something even more important… seeing as we have a Soul-Contract with each other.
Alex gets ready while Jewel comfortably sits on top of his head, even staying there as he washes his hair.
Water! Fun!
I guess I’ll skip the shampoo today.
Alex, still feeling incredibly tired from yesterday, wonders if he can access Jewel’s status screen, similar to his own and Menchi’s.
Jewel: Lvl 0
Relationship: Worshipped (Maximum - Can’t be lowered or increased)
Rarity: Gold
HP: 180/180, MP: 130/130, AURA 88/88
STR: 5 (+3), AGI: 5 (+3), PHY: 5 (+3), SNS: 5 (+3), CHA: 5 (+3), MNA: 5 (+3), INT: 5 (+3) SPR: 5 (+3), LUK: 5 (+3), NEN: 5 (+3)
Innate Skills: Thornback Conquering Trailblaizer lvl MAX, Nen Prodigy lvl 0 (Limitless Legacy lvl 0, Basic Nen lvl 0, Advanced Nen lvl 0)
Thornback Legacy: Thornback Poison lvl 0, Thornback Poison Spit lvl 0, Thornback Web shoot lvl 0, Thornback Burrow lvl 0, Thornback Bite lvl 0
Free Skill Slots: 4/4
Special Skill: Telepathic Bond lvl MAX
Looking good… in fact, these numbers are crazy. I wonder how pets like you level up? Does it just take time? Do you need to defeat enemies? Consume something? Is it similar to players? Hmmm…
Time! Food! Battle! Limit… Soulmate!
Alex blushes a little after hearing those words, though he can’t call them wrong, as he is indeed Soulbonded to Jewel.
So you need some time, plenty of food, and a bit of action to level up, while your level is limited to my own? I think I got it! Good, thank you. You’re so smart and can tell me these things just like that.
Alex lifts his hand and pets Jewel, feeling her smooth and cold body with his hand.
With Jewel on his head, he casually walks downstairs and notices the rest of the group already sitting at the breakfast table, Menchi having finished preparing their food.
“Good morning,” Alex says with a smile as he sits down.
“Good morning, Alex,” Rishi says calmly, the only one in the group who isn’t freaked out.
“Alex, there’s a large spider on your head! Aren’t you scared?” Tereza asks him in shock.
“Yeah, Tereza told me you had a major freak-out in that cave,” Menchi adds.
Alex laughs as he responds, “I think I’ve overcome my fear of spiders. Also, Jewel here isn’t just a spider—she’s a real beauty. I think she’s the prettiest spider I’ve ever seen, so I have no problem with her. As for her position… I guess she can have that spot for now.”
Jewel jumps from Alex’s head onto the table, curiously examining Rishi, Tereza, and Menchi one after the other.
“Her Aura is incredibly lively. It’s like that of a person, not a beast or animal. Usually, there are huge differences. Also, she seems connected to you; your Auras are closely linked, and there seems to be an unbreakable connection between you,” Rishi notes.
“Well, the thing is that she has incredibly special abilities, for example, her innate…” Alex tries to explain, but Jewel instantly jumps onto his face, giving him another special ‘spider hug’, something Alex remembers from horror movies but can barely tolerate because of his Soul Connection and Jewel’s rather beautiful appearance.
No share! Secret! Only Soulmate!
“What the… I guess she wants some privacy, which is… fair enough. She’s special, and I can communicate with her, so don’t worry—you can trust her completely,” Alex says, carefully plucking Jewel off his face and placing her on the table.
He pulls out a chunk of deer meat from his inventory, slices it into bite-sized pieces, and sets it on the table for Jewel.
Jewel tilts her head, her many eyes scanning the room. She glances at Rishi, Tereza, and Menchi, then at their plates neatly arranged in front of them. Her gaze shifts to her own meal, haphazardly tossed onto the table.
Alex catches her subtle disapproval and freezes.
Wait, is she… judging me?
Without a word, he darts to the kitchen, grabs a small plate, and arranges Jewel’s meal with a flourish. “There you go, Your Highness,” he says, half-joking.
“What’s wrong with that spider? Did it just complain about eating off the table?!” Menchi exclaims, her voice a mix of surprise and amusement.
“She’s smart. In less than a day, she’s gone from understanding emotions to forming simple words and questions. It’s like she’s tapping into my knowledge to learn at lightning speed,” Alex explains, a hint of pride in his voice.
As Jewel nibbles on her meal, her gaze keeps drifting between Alex and Tereza.
“I think she’s looking at me. Does she like me?” Tereza asks, her smile warm but curious.
Do you like her? You keep looking at her.
Faint connection!
Alex’s eyes widen as it clicks. He remembers Tereza’s late-night visit and the bond they’d unintentionally forged.
“... It’s your fault. She feels a slight connection to you because of what we did… a few days ago,” Alex explains, his tone a mix of embarrassment and amusement.
Tereza blinks, puzzled for a moment, before her cheeks flush. “Oh… right. That,” she says, laughing softly.
Jewel scuttles toward Tereza, her movements deliberate but graceful. Tereza hesitates, her initial fear melting away as she reaches out to pet Jewel. The spider accepts the gesture for a moment before retreating to Alex, finishing her meal, and reclaiming her throne on top of his head.
“It’s a shame we can’t talk to her properly,” Menchi remarks, leaning back in her chair.
“I think you’ll be able to soon. She’s already starting to grasp language. I’ll teach her, and she’ll understand you in no time. She’s as smart as any human, maybe even smarter,” Alex says.
“That’s incredible. The possibilities are endless if you can communicate like this,” Rishi muses, his mind clearly racing with ideas.
“Anyway, I’ve got things to do before engaging with the old devil,” Rishi says, standing up. He walks over to Alex and extends a finger toward Jewel. She taps it with one of her legs, giving him a little spider-sized fist bump. “Nice to meet you. See you soon,” he says politely before heading out.
Tereza and Menchi follow suit, each receiving their own polite finger bump from Jewel, who’s suddenly the picture of good manners.
“She’s adorable. I have to admit, Alex, you nailed the name. It really suits her,” Menchi says, grinning.
“Yeah, she does look like a little noblewoman, all elegant and shiny, like she’s wearing priceless jewelry,” Tereza agrees, her eyes lingering on Jewel.
The two girls watch Jewel for a moment longer, the spider perched proudly on Alex’s head, staring back at them with an almost smug air. Finally, they excuse themselves and head out, leaving Alex alone with his eight-legged companion.
What should we do?
Huh, you want to train with me?
No! Never fight Soulmate! Battle… Hunt! Prey!
You want to go hunting? Seriously? You were just born! We should train and prepare first, that’s way too dangerous!
Jewel strong! Jewel can fight!
Alex lifts Jewel off his head and holds her in front of him. Her expression, somehow both fierce and adorable, takes him by surprise. Through their bond, he feels her determination.
Alright, alright. Let’s visit Hagrid and maybe… just maybe… hunt some weaker enemies. But! You have to listen to me and not go off on your own. I’m not risking you getting hurt.
Sorry, Jewel, but I need your promise that you’ll listen to me. I don’t want to risk you getting hurt so soon. This is called a compromise. I respect your desire to fight, but you also need to respect my worry about you. I don’t want to lose you.
Compromise… Worry about Jewel? Joy! Agreement!
Jewel happily jumps back onto Alex’s head, spinning around before settling in the center like she’s glued there.
The two walk toward Hagrid’s hut, with Alex explaining everything they come across.
These are all houses; humans live inside them… That’s a tree. There are many varieties around, and they all have differences. This one is a birch tree—it’s striped, like a zebra. I’ll show you a zebra later! Oh, and we’re walking on a road, by the way. Roads are flat surfaces that lead to popular places…
Despite feeling a bit silly talking nonstop, Alex senses that Jewel is more or less understanding and learning what he’s trying to convey. She’s not just reading his emotions and thoughts anymore, she’s actually comprehending the information he’s sharing, getting smarter by the minute.
They arrive at Hagrid’s hut, and Alex explains, “Hagrid is a good friend. He’s half-giant, half-human. Giants are really big, so he’s larger than most humans. He helped me take care of you when you were still an egg. Be nice to him, okay?”
Hagrid help Soulmate? Help Jewel?
Yeah, we really owe him. But don’t worry, you don’t need to act differently, just don’t be mean to him.
Alex knocks on Hagrid’s door, and Hagrid instantly swings it open, clearly expecting Alex. “Did it hatch? How is it?” he asks, before spotting Jewel on Alex’s head, staring curiously at the half-giant.
“My… a real beauty! Please, come in!” Hagrid says, excited like a kid seeing a new pet for the first time.
Jewel crawls toward Hagrid’s massive hand, small enough to fit comfortably in his palm. She tilts her head, studying him with curiosity.
“Unbelievable! I’ve never seen such a smart, well-behaved spider. Ya know, Aragog needed decades to gain even a bit of intelligence so I could talk to him, but yer pet already seems quite clever.”
“Her name is Jewel, and… keep this to yourself, but she’s very smart and magical, I’m sure of it.. She can already understand a little of what you’re saying. Oh, and thanks for the meat, she loves it!” Alex says.
“Incredible! Ya did well, lad! Yer talented. If ya wanted, ya could take over my position as groundskeeper and teach about beasts, if I train ya for a while, that is,” Hagrid says, beaming with pride.
“Thanks, Hagrid. I’m pretty busy right now, but I’ll keep your offer in mind. Anyway, we’ve got things to do, so I just wanted to let you know everything’s okay. I’ll see you on Monday,” Alex says.
Hagrid gives Jewel one last look, gently touching her cool, smooth body before she climbs back onto Alex’s head. The two slowly make their way toward the Forbidden Forest.
Jewel hunt!
Alex hears his pet’s proud proclamation and feels a mix of worry and pride.
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